Surfing is only cool if you’re elitist about it
Monday held wonders in the form of California beaches - we got up early and went surfing at El Porto beach and then hit the boardwalk at Venice. The waves were pretty impressive at El Porto, as you can see from my pictures (click "El Porto beach" to go to my hastily generated gallery). While in Venice I caught a glance of some of Sony's promotional info for the Playstation 3. These posters were plastered across a wall (click to enlarge):

And, lo and behold, that "chang3" was evident later that day when Sony officially unveiled its PlayStation 3. The silvery monstrosity you see below will have THREE ethernet ports on board, as well as a host of other ridiculous features. Bluetooth support for up to 7 controllers, dual HDMI output onboard, the Cell chip, and the list goes on. Sony is still being coy about online plans, however, and it may turn out that Live is the huge selling point Microsoft has over the PS3... especially now that Square Enix has confirmed they'll be releasing all the new Final Fantasy games on BOTH systems. So without further ado, I give you the PlayStation 3.

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